

Sure is a both a library and a test-runner for for the Python Programming Languages, featuring a DSL for writing assertions. Sure’s original author is Gabriel Falcão.

Sure provides a special syntax for writing tests in a human-friendly, fluent and easy-to-use manner, In the context of the Python Programming language, Sure is a pioneer at extending every object with test-specific methods at test-runtime. This feature is disabled by default starting on version 3.0.0 and MAY be optionally enabled programmatically or via command-line. Read the section special syntax for more information.

Whether the Special Syntax is enabled or not, Sure generally aims at enabling software developers to writing tests in a human-friendly, fluent and hopefully fun way.

Quick Examples

Standard Behavior Example

from sure import expect

def printing_money_indiscriminately(amount):
    raise ValueError(f"Inflation! Printing {amount} amounts of money is likely increase inflation!")

    "Inflation! Printing 88888888 amounts of money is likely increase inflation!"

Special Syntax Example

import sure

def superpowers(mode):
    if mode in ("ignorance", "selfishness"):
        raise SyntaxError(
            f"superpowers cannot, must not and shall not be used in the name of {mode}!"
     raise NotImplementedError(
         f"{mode} entirely not allowed"

    "superpowers cannot, must not and shall not be used in the name of ignorance!"

    "superpowers cannot, must not and shall not be used in the name of selfishness!"

superpowers.when.called_with("out thinking").should.have.raised(
    "out thinking entirely not allowed"